Welcome to my website made thank to the best html generator:


Welcome to my website made thank to the best html generator:


(I hope you enjoy this pretty fluorescent green)


First, I am not a star, so stop singing out my name, I am bored with your joy excess about me!



let’s talk about what I like. My friend and I like reading and we have found the way to make people enjoying reading without shame.




 And the most enormous!! My best friend flunchy reads the . And give one free ( of course) to any child having a happy meal in his famous restaurant.



I have just received this new picture from a French sympathic guy. I was wondering how the hell this froggie can get a famous  but it’s only a photomontage, anybody can play guitar and read a  at the same time.





you would like to be on this web page, send me your photo with your  

click on reading to go there


For all French speakers (and readers, maybe the same people), I know a very nice fairy tale about the difficulty of being, it is called like a Ofthefountain fable: The pig, the fly and the mole rat (this is only a trial version)


The niou t-shirt for all people from my materials lecture, the first one of my summer collection. Have a look on the gallery


You are a tourist? You wanna come in France but you are bored about seeing fucking cathedrals and stupid museums. So between 2 visits of wine cellar, you will be able to see what look like the real France, cause I am a real French, a real to real!!(traduire vrai de vrai).

Thank to my Out of the Ordinary Grand Tour of France


You have known the version 1.0 of my material school website; here is the 1.1 .More funny, more about …me, and more about friends too. Vergnol is back and will never dead (like a James Bond title)


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